Voila... The WORKSHOP SCHEDULE for the coming spring and summer is ready!
I am excited about this series of small group sessions, all of which will take place here on Salt Spring Island, in the new studio.
The workshops are designed around the kinds of things some of you have asked for, as well as being subjects I particularly like to work with.
Every session is limited to six participants, to provide each of you a very personal, focused learning opportunity.
My approach is always to teach what I do. I do my best to distill many years of exploration and practice, down to what works, and share that with you.
My goal is to provide you with skills and ideas, that will unlock the door to the potential that exists in each of your photographs. I trust that every time you have lifted your lens to photograph something, you did so as a response to inspiration. That initial inspiration is the key, and will be an important focus of our time together.
I’m really looking forward to these workshops. We’re bound to have some fun.
I've also been working on putting together workshops in southern California, and the Santa Cruz area because of requests, followed by kind offers of help with logistics, from some wonderful people in those areas. Look for those workshops in the fall catalog, when it comes along around late May or early June.
If you are interested in any of the workshops this spring/summer here on this beautiful island, send me and email, or give me a call to request the full catalog by pdf:
May 15 Sun Hand Painting Photographs
May 21 Sat Photographic Alchemy
May 22 Sun Layering Images in Photoshop
May 29-30 S-M Mounting Images to Wood
June 24 Fri Photographic Alchemy
June 25 Sat Layering Images in Photoshop
June 26 Sun Hand Painting Photographs
June 27 –28 M-T Mounting Images to Wood
July 9 Sat Photographic Alchemy
July 10 Sun Layering in Photoshop
July 11 Mon Hand Painting Photographs
July 12-13 T-W Mounting Images to Wood
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